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Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 1:58 pm
by boostjunkie
No problem! Looks like you have done a lot of R&D for this project!! :shock:

r&d intake

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 2:09 pm
by legazee
yes and you know thats one of the things i like about these legacys is that you do have to dig around and think and come up with your own solutions since everything is marketed towards the wrx. the next step in the intake process is to do away with that 90degree elbow off of the maf for a straighter shot into the turbo. i havea newer legacy intake box that is the angled design so now i will have to get some nice blue silicone connectors and see about replacing that rubber reducing inlet just seems that the more ya do to these cars the more ya wanna do :D

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:27 am
by inzomniac
were there any noticeable performance gains from this... just curious.

gains from intake replacement

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:01 am
by legazee
thats a good question, without a dyno i would not be able to say yes indeedee! butt dyno sez it does feel a little more responsive,however i smoothed and polished the maf housing and the turbo inlet pipe interiors at the same time i installed the intake..... i think it all contributes to better air flow. :D

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 4:39 am
by 91White-T
So, legazee... are you gonna make some of these to sell to us or what??? :D

intake replacement

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:21 pm
by legazee
well, if i can complete the 'bluesubie mug ' version to my satisfaction then i will see if i can get a deal from some subie parts dealer to get them cheap enuff and i will just make up about 10 units. i know i could do them for $40 but i think the shipping would have to be picked up by the purchaser, the box these things come in is not big enuf to hold the "improved turbo coffee mug" and sufficient bubblewrap to protect it from the likes of brown or usps. so i have to see what the next size container would be, i dont think shipping will be too much and i will take one down to the p.o. to get an idea on weight and costs. as soon as i have the newer version done i will post a pic installed on my car and 3 shots out of the car so you can get an idea of what it looks like. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:20 am
by subyfanatic
First of all, I may be able to help you with the purchasing of the mugs as I have a good connection within the Subaru parts business. If you get me some kind of item code or part number I can check what it will cost at wholesale. I may actually be in to buy one from you after you modify it.

Second, I must say that I just found this thread and it's almost like you've discovered a cure for West Nile. I mean, this is like HUGE!!! It's minds like yours that keep this world spinning. I would've never thought of doing that and I usually consider myself as being innovative. You are the man.


part number

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:36 pm
by legazee
subyfanatic there are the following series of nmbers on this box:HB2729175......1832668888.......OUC37 23 BLUE
also 449\04-c192 AL, and more.....002062188814-001 under this series is...F-005. all of this is on the box sticker with the bar code. the local subie dealer sitcker has ....L.L.BEAN OUC37 BLUE[23]
maybe u know which one is the majic number.. and just to let everyone know i have finished the new improved blue version and have installed it on the car and testing it out, more later 8)

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 12:37 am
by subyfanatic
I'm not having any luck with those numbers. There's another place I can try that I got promotional Subaru stuff from before. I had a black travel mug with the Subaru logo that I got from them. I'll check tomorrow.